Monday, July 14, 2008

yet again...firefox beats stupid safari...whatev...

Ok ok I get it. It is time to write a blog. Geez with all these Latshaws writing blogs you really hope there won’t be a blogjam.
Ouch. You know I told my wife the other day, after like the 35th horrible pun, that I really only use the best ones. I have hundreds going through my head all day, every day. I will take a word, examine it for possible uses and or applications in “funny” areas- funny haha not funny crazy or pervy you know. Although sometimes the twains do meet…speaking of twain, jess I am hoping you are using the quote I gave you, it is fantastic. Mark my words! I can’t stop…
Little about myself..I am 36 which seems unfair. No way I should be that old and I prefer to think about myself as late twenties. The only problem with late twenties is that your kids are younger too. I like when my kids get older. Babies are annoying and so clingy you know…
I am a radical. A radical is born when a liberal gives up. I believe in every conspiracy you got, including the one by David Icke who thinks that the ruling elite are actually giant reptiles. Awesome. You gotta be pretty special to float that idea to the general public and be offended if people do not take you seriously. Go ahead google that guy. I will wait.
Awesome right? Wow. Anyway, I am a radical. And also a Christian. Dare I say radical Christian? That sounds scary! That just means I read Howard Zinn and C.S. Lewis. I don’t believe that Jesus is a gun-toting patriotic Republican. I am actually pretty sure he is against the death penalty (as most people who were unjustly killed using the death penalty are probably anti-death penalty. You know what, even those JUSTLY killed using the death penalty are probably against the death penalty. I would be.)
I am a musician, artist, ball-room dancer, and viscous Madden afficianado. I can be competitive but stopped really being so after I lost the ability to win at anything. I mean anything. Kinda sucks.
I was in a band. For reals. I know what you are thinking…in a band…his poor wife…he sat around and played video games all day…no we were a real band and made real money…more money than we should have….the most we ever made for one show is my annual salary now…anyway toured the world and not like most Americans when I say world I mean places where they have funny colored money. (World Series? World Champions? Come on!)
The whole time I was in a band I also did construction with my father in law rick. Great Rick story….
We were a unique construction crew. Our foreman, Scott, used to stop everyone working to point out a tufted ventricual titmouse, a rare bird. Politically we were left of center and would discuss the days politics….it was right around when Ralph Nader was running for president. Rick had a folded paper in his hand and a sandwich in the other.
“Hmmm this is interesting…”
“Turns out Ralph Nader is the son of Lesbian immigrants!”
That is amazing! Lesbians? Immigrants? I was astonished! This is huge. I spent a whole week telling everyone I met this astonishing news. “I know! I didn’t believe it myself!”
It was early in the day when Rick pulled me aside…”Uh, it was Lebanese immigrants..don’t know where my head was..”
Well I sure did!

Now I am an employment consultant. I work with people with disabilities, which inherently makes me better than you. Naw, jes kidding…
I like to ask questions you can’t answer. I like to make you make hard decisions (hanging upside for full day, or one hour chin-deep in poop) I can’t stand it when you don’t play along. My wife, “Well, neither. Why do you think of this stuff? EW.”
I am curious about you and about human nature. I have two degrees English and history which I say means I can write well about things that no longer exist.
I like cirque de’ soloeil. Disney is the bomb. World, not Land. EAST COAST!


beingawesome said...

welcome to blogville my friend.

hope your stay is a pleasant one.

mike roy said...

Josh, please write a book. I know i've said this before, but I'm totally serious.
It could loosely be about the BSF days, but really it would just be about "The World, through the eyes of one of the most ridiculous, hilarious and articulate people on the planet." You can even steal that as the subtitle for your book, but I want a 10% share of the royalties, for the encouragement. Ok 5% is cool.

miss you and all your clan. Hope to get back up yonder someday. *m.roy

Anonymous said...

You're right...this is the best blog ever written. GIVE US MORE!!

Take care and please kiss Sunshine for me.

Anonymous said...

I can tell you were probably the songwriter of BSF, if you weren't then you should have been.

You show a lot of knowledge and insight upon the world.

I still await the day of a BSF reunion, even though its been a year or two since the break up, it feels like forever.

Hopefully I'll talk to you again on MyspaceIM


Anonymous said...

you are right. your blog could beat up any blog that i have ever written. ha.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Josh! See, it's only been a few minutes and I'm reading your blog!

I love your writing and have always loved your writing. I agree with Mike that you should write a book about being in BSF and all your adventures. It would sell and people would love it. Think about it!

Glad you came over for dinner; sorry the food wasn't that good!

Jessica said...

Josh! Tell your mother that her food was good!

I love the's about freakin time.

I have used the Mark Twain quote--it was my facebook status for like a whole day.

Anonymous said...

My blog is a lover not a fighter so if you're blog beat it up it would be arrested for domestic abuse.

tlr said...

This truely is a great blog-entry and i can't wait to read more of it :D So welcome to the blogging world ...

Jessica said... post, please:-)

Anonymous said...

Time to write again, Josh!

Anonymous said...

Your blog can't beat up anyones blog if it just shows up to rumble once and then disappears into the nether.

Jessica said...

what part of new post, please do you not understand?

Anonymous said...

Hilarious,insightful,wonderful in every way! You could write a column or regular article as a humorist too, plus the book! Can people make money off blogs???


Jenna Latshaw said...

i love that story about the lesbian immigrants!

Jessica said...

Perez Hilton makes money off his blog!

Uh-oh--here I go, talking about Perez again...