Tuesday, August 12, 2008


So it feels like I am wearing a little sweater vest of pain.
Yesterday I had surgery for a hernia, which is just a word for a “hole” in the abdominal walls. Apparently it just “happens.” Recovery is “agonizing”. “Great.”
It went pretty smoothly. The only hitch was that when they ran an MRI on me a group of techs gathered and I heard mutterings.
“This is bad. This is terrible. This is a mess.”
I recoiled in fear. “Oh no…the print out is blurry. You are fine.”
I got to wear an adorable little robe. I want to thank my parents and my wife for accompanying me. Some bullet points:
-They told me to avoid making decisions for the full day after anathesia. I told them that I was married and had not made a decision in fifteen years.
-I was, of course, hilarious. The surgical team loved me. I usually shine in situations like this. One time I was arrested and the arresting officer referred to me as a “breath of fresh air” in the Newark Police Department.
-I am not allowed to lift over ten pounds so I don’t know how I will be using the bathroom. Perhaps we can start a sign-up sheet at church for assistance?
-Since I was so well behaved, my parents took me to the Mall after the doc’s and I got a delicious meal of food and the new Madden football game. It is amazing btw.
So Ernie is gone. Yep, Ernie the Hernia. I feel a sense of longing.
So I have the next week or so off and I will be using it to heal, start my novel, record my solo full-length, and finish the basement.
Most likely I will watch X-Files, get mediocre at Madden, and lift about.


Jessica said...

the good news is that sweater vests are in right now.

why do you think that you can't go to the bathroom because you can't lift 10 lbs? Do you normally use toilet paper of pure gold? Or do you lift the toilet up over your head before using it?

Maybe I am different, but in my experience of using the bathroom there is generally no heavy lifting involved.

Anonymous said...

uh jess...we are different...ask drew...for men...there is...lifting....of certain...things

Anonymous said...

Maybe an over the shoulder pulley system? Worked for me when I strained my rotator cuff. Get steel cable though; The nylon stuff isn't strong enough, in my experience.

Anonymous said...

After a long day at work, it was great to read this blog and laugh. I'm still laughing. ha ha ha ha ha......

Anonymous said...

just tie a helium balloon to whatever needs to be lifted. that should work.

Anonymous said...

I am definitely not signing my name on this one as I just pissed myself laughing. I was wondering if some other woman would be innocent enough to ask that question. Especially since the bragging angle could be a little confusing for us girls.

Jessica said...

I get myself into trouble ALL THE TIME!!!

Anonymous said...

Jess, I love your innocence.....please don't ever change

Peaj said...

Man, she walked right into that one. But somehow, your response to her is what I found hilarious - I can just hear you saying it.

I love the bit about the techs and their comments - classic.

Josh, praying for your little vest to be lifted and gone real soon. Maybe you can leave it for the Cancer Federation to pick up...

Anonymous said...

Ditto on the prayers. Blessings.

Michele said...

You Latshaw's crack me up! Really Josh, 10 lbs??? Is there a possibility you've had a little too much medication? haha